"After a year-long hiatus, the Global Swim Series (GSS) is thrilled to announce the relaunch of its enhanced race director membership program, designed to significantly increase the visibility and participation of open water swimming events worldwide. As the premier network for open water swimming, GSS recognizes the challenges race directors face in promoting their events...."
After a year-long hiatus, the Global Swim Series (GSS) is thrilled to announce the relaunch of its enhanced race director membership program, designed to significantly increase the visibility and participation of open water swimming events worldwide.
As the premier network for open water swimming, GSS recognizes the challenges race directors face in promoting their events. In response, GSS has tailored its membership offerings to ensure that every race gains the exposure it deserves, thereby increasing registration numbers and enhancing the overall event experience.
The newly revamped membership packages—Gold, Silver, and Bronze—are structured to meet diverse needs and budgets. Starting at just $99, each tier offers an array of benefits, including listings on the GSS website, which serves as a hub for enthusiastic swimmers globally.
Beyond basic listings, premium packages include extensive promotional efforts through GSS’s established channels such as social media, email marketing, and feature articles. This holistic approach not only spotlights individual races but also fosters a connected and engaged community of open water enthusiasts.
GSS is committed to leveraging its ecosystem to support race directors, offering them a platform not just to announce their events but to tell their unique stories and attract swimmers from around the globe. This partnership extends beyond marketing—GSS aims to build a supportive network that enriches the sport by making races more accessible and enjoyable for swimmers of all levels.
Race directors looking to elevate their event’s profile will find a perfect partner in GSS. For more information on membership benefits and to join the global community, visit Global Swim Series Membership.